Saturday, August 11, 2012

My Coolest Lucid Dream Experience to Date

My Coolest Lucid Dream Experience to Date

This occurred a couple weeks ago.  It was my longest, most stable lucid dream yet.   It was a WILD, but I think I achieved it after doing SSILD cycles earlier.

Okay so I "woke up" in a convention type center.  There were tables all around and some people were eating while others were doing work on laptops.

I read Robert Waggoner's book "Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self" and inside he talks about asking dream objects and characters what they represent.  So I decided that this would be the mission of this dream.

I walked all around the place, interrupting people's lunches and asking them what they represent.  Most of the people were annoyed at me and wanted me to leave them alone.  Many said that they didn't know.  I walked through a hallway and asked someone for a lucid pill.  He joked with me "What do i look like?  A dealer?"  but gave it to me anyway.

I came across a surgeon and asked him what was wrong with me.  He said "Pneumonia".

I found myself in a sitting area in the middle of a mall and a big fat sloppy obese guy came and sat near me and told me that he was my ugly side.

Later in the dream I was at my old elementary school and I sat in the field area with some of my old classmates. I don't remember the conversations but I remember giving them all big hugs as we departed.

This dream felt like it was at least 30 minutes long and I was excited that I was able to keep it stable for so long.  I know they say that you should take a few seconds to stabilize the dream as soon as you enter, but in my case I think I have to hit the ground running.  The times I've remembered to stop and 'deepen'  I've felt my real body and been booted.  

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